The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50018   Message #759052
Posted By: Robin2
02-Aug-02 - 09:38 PM
Thread Name: Do you need a car to be a pro musician?
Subject: RE: Do you need a car to be a pro musician?

You bring up a good point when you say "It's easy to save resources, when you ask someone else to use them up for you."

We used to have a guy that played at some of the same venues we played beg a ride every single week because he had no car...this went on for quite a while, and he never offered to chip in on gas at all.

I finally asked him one day why he didn't buy a car...his answer was that he couldn't stand the thought of contributing to "the greedmongers that pollute America" , this while riding in My car, and after asking ME to run him by the grocery, AND the fast food place.

He didn't get many rides after that.
