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Thread #50135   Message #759273
Posted By: GUEST
03-Aug-02 - 11:21 AM
Thread Name: Join The Current Anti-War Movement:!!!!
Subject: RE: Join The Current Anti-War Movement:!!!!
Also, I would like to point out that this "international march" isn't on the radar at

Or at

The latter page is where the anti-war actions get posted. Indymedia's Peace page links to, for instance. The Indymedia website is the most linked site for social justice activism in the world, and this organization isn't on their radar either.

Here is AFSC's (American Friends Service Committee) Campaign of Conscience website on Iraq:

The Campaign of Conscience is one of the main peace movement coordinated campaigns, and includes others like Fellowship of Reconciliation, and other organizations who have been in the anti-war movement trenches on Iraq since the Gulf War. People's Rights Fund, Inc. isn't on their radar either.

Nor is there a link to the organization at the Iraq Action Coalition's website here:

And finally, the National Network to End the War (one of the biggest coalitions working to end sanctions, etc) doesn't have this group on their list either. Here is their website, which has a member list by state, and this organization (ie both International A.N.S.W.E.R. and People's Rights Fund Inc.) isn't on it. Here is their website:

Any one of these websites I've listed have ways for people to get plugged in to the anti-war effort in their local areas. Rather than reinvent the wheel, it usually makes more sense to join the movement already adept at doing this sort of work.

And I'm currently checking out this organization through movement contacts to see if they are legit. There is the possibility that this is an Internet scam (since all they seem to be about is collecting money). Forewarned is forearmed, as they say.