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Thread #50135   Message #759573
Posted By: GUEST
04-Aug-02 - 09:36 AM
Thread Name: Join The Current Anti-War Movement:!!!!
Subject: RE: Join The Current Anti-War Movement:!!!!
A little deeper digging, and I find out that International ANSWER Coalition is in fact, Ramsey Clark's(former AG)post-9/11 organization. He is founder of the International Action Center, website found here:

The reason why International ANSWER wasn't showing up on many of the highly visible peace organizations' websites is due to a bit of political in-fighting. It looks to me as if there was a bit of a split over the April 20th Coalition's decision to hold their main march on Washington the same day as ANSWER had planned theirs. It got sorted out, as these things usually do, by everyone coming together and deciding to hold their marches together.

So, I don't know how the information that the website provided by harpgirl is run by Ramsey Clark will influence people's opinions of the organization one way or the other. He is a very strong supporter of the Palestinian cause (A Good Thing, IMO), but he has made some very controversial choices about the people he has chosen to defend over the years, but that is par for the course for famous lawyers.

So harpgirl--you did good finding this website, it is perfectly legitimate. I apologize for causing you consternation, and I hope my leaping in with information casting doubt on your choice of organizations hasn't resulted in you second guessing your own judgment. You did very well holding your own with me (not an easy thing to do, I might add). If you are going to become involved in activist work, you will need that skill.

Again, best of luck finding your way.