The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10689   Message #75984
Posted By: Sandy Paton
06-May-99 - 12:12 AM
Thread Name: Sarah Ogan Gunning
Subject: RE: Sarah Ogan Gunning
Yes, Harpgirl, I listened to it just last night, and sang the tune to Caroline this morning, asking for her help in identifying the tune. Now when I think about a Civil War song with the lines "I am dying, brother, dying," a quite different tune comes into my head. And I'm certain Sarah's tune is not "You've Been a Friend to Me." Yet her tune does sound very familiar, doesn't it? If more people had bought that recording (admittedly, not one of our best-sellers), we'd be getting more help from the Mudcat crew. It may be a hymn tune... We'll work on it some more before we give up. In a few days, Karen will have the cassette, and perhaps she will identify the tune for us!
