The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50135   Message #759990
Posted By: GUEST
05-Aug-02 - 09:14 AM
Thread Name: Join The Current Anti-War Movement:!!!!
Subject: RE: Join The Current Anti-War Movement:!!!!
I'm sure Fellowship of Reconciliation supporters will sleep better at night, knowing that the Mudcat members (many of whom claim to be dedicated to "peace") think they are "legit". Even though not one of the aforementioned, self-proclaimed "peace activists" had ever heard of them.

For those of you who can't be bothered with actually going to the websites of the main organizations active in the national peace movement, let me just say that the majority of them have a history of activism that dates back to World War I.

As usual here in Mudcat, none of this information will change minds though, will it? Because this non-argument had nothing to do with actual facts surrounding peace activism. It was all about Mudcat guard dogs coming to the rescue of a member they (wrongly) felt was being attacked by an anonymous poster. Any lively and informative discussions here where criticism of a member's position by (usually) an anon guest, sets off all the alarm bells, and the guard dogs attack.

Too bad people are really that petty, because it sure as hell gets in the way of many an otherwise good discussion in the forum. But what the hell--c'est la guerre.