The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50122   Message #760005
Posted By: Hecate
05-Aug-02 - 09:46 AM
Thread Name: listening to floor singers
Subject: RE: listening to floor singers
I think there's a 'geographical' element too - some venues don't have green rooms, or even nice bars you can lurk in to collect yourself pre-gig, leaving guests with little choice other than to sit in. (The bar below our club room is always a fug of tobacco smoke for example.) As a gig organiser, I prefer it if guests sit in because I know where they are, and floor spots aren't always as long as you thought they were going to be. It does give the guest a chance to get a feel for the club - in the past that has proved to be an advantage. Generally though, if it works for the guest and doesn't make my life too difficult, I'm all in favour of them doing whatever suits them best.

I'd agree that Pete Coe is superb when it comes to audiences - jamming with people in the beer break, taking the time to encourage people - not everyone's style I realise, but very welcome.

As for the after gig party, I will confess a fondness for trying to drag unwitting peformers back to my house so that I can experiment on them with home made wine (cue evil laughter.)