The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50135   Message #760159
Posted By: Bobert
05-Aug-02 - 02:52 PM
Thread Name: Join The Current Anti-War Movement:!!!!
Subject: RE: Join The Current Anti-War Movement:!!!!
What Big Mick said, GUEST. No I'm sure you are recoiled to react but, hey, re-read what he wrote. If you don't look for hate or anger in his post you won't find it. I only read love and caring, my friend. Everyone goes through stuff that can effect us, if we allow it, in a manner that makes us less friendly, less effective and less pursuasive. You're are a smart person with a lot to bring to the table but this ain't the 60's and we don't have to burn stuff up to get attention. That style just sets the cause back a few steps. In the 60's during Kent St. we had infiltrators in our anit-war group, the Radical Student Union (RSU) who were preaching hate and violence. No one knew them and their ideas didnnot take hold within our membership, but to this very day I believe they were governemnt plants. Yeah, who had the most to gain during Kent St. if the students blew stuff up? Not the cause, that's for sure. The Who says it best, We will not be fooled again!" So I'z here to say that if ya want to yell and scream, save it for the bad guys...

Kat, big Mick and I aren't them, GUEST. Argue as forcefully as you like. I sure have. But keep it about ideas and not personal. And, no I'm not condoning, as I have said, Kat's "childish" remark but compared to your reaction, it was a day in the park...

And, lastly, GUEST, you may have gotten off the path but I love you, brother or sister, you are on the right side of the cause.
