The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49955   Message #760401
Posted By: Amos
05-Aug-02 - 10:03 PM
Thread Name: MUDCAT CD VII: Silver Songs At Daybreak!
Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VII: Silver Songs At Daybreak!
Hey!! Susan of California just sent in a lovely CD she and her husband put together called "Would You?".

All righty, then, you strays and dogies -- hustle on down, and run 'em up the chute!! Yeeeeeeee haw!

Before ya know it, Mick's spud will collapse, and the gates will swing to and the train pull out and ya wouldn't wanna not be on it, now wouldja?? Hmmm?   Hmm?

Just as I thought!!! :>))

Best regards,