The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50131   Message #760410
Posted By: Little Hawk
05-Aug-02 - 10:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Totally Inane - Just for Grins - Try it!
Subject: RE: BS: Totally Inane - Just for Grins - Try it!
LOL! Great! Notice how William Shatner, the ultimate face in show business, his Shatness in the very flesh, gets to be the prototype face on which this whole thing is based!

This says a lot.

It is also "fascinating" (to quote Spock) that "Bill Shatner" breaks down to the initials...BS!!!

Very significant. Shatner is the king of BS threads on Mudcat. Now that even Mr Red has lost his "virginity" (so to speak) and opened a Shatner thread, there is nothing that cannot be achieved in spreading the fame of Shatner far and wide.

There will be rejoicing at the WSSBA tonight! Toga parties, pointed ears, and giant stuffed Tribbles that go..."SQUEEEEEK!!!" when you poke them.

You don't know what I'm talkin' about??? "Get A Life"!


- LH