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Thread #50135   Message #760799
Posted By: GUEST
06-Aug-02 - 02:33 PM
Thread Name: Join The Current Anti-War Movement:!!!!
Subject: RE: Join The Current Anti-War Movement:!!!!
The Internet is one of the most important tools being used by young anti-war activists, many of whom have been drawn to the anti-globalization movement post-Seattle.

In other words, they are tired of listening to boomers sitting on their ass, lecturing them about how they shouldn't use confrontational tactics to get their message heard.

Now then, if you saw that Fellowship of Reconciliation was full of wonderful, dedicated, well meaning people who march instead of demonstrate using confrontational tactics, but never get on the radar of the mainstream media (and therefore into the conscious awareness of the majority of the American people), what tactic would you use?

The answer is, this generation isn't following in the footsteps of the "march, but don't make waves" wing of the peace movement. This generation is set to follow the lead of the anti-globalization organizers, and use the tactics of confrontation used in Seattle. If they don't, they will, very simply, never be heard.

The thing to me which is important to keep in mind about the SDS of the Vietnam era and the anti-globalization organizers of this one, is that the SDS eventually began to spin off much more violent factions which targeted humans, instead of military property. Therein lies the difference, IMO. Throwing a bowling ball through a window of the draft office is the not morally equivalent to blowing up people. It it takes bowling balls through the windows of the draft recruiters to get media attention, then I say, lets start passing out the bowling balls.

Yeah--people are definitely going to have to go to jail to stop this war. No doubt about it. Marching to Washington and writing our congressional representatives is not going to stop this war train. Mayhem in the streets will have the effect of focusing on the issue, and making sure it stays on the front page until some voices of reason begin to prevail. Right now they are getting shouted down and drowned out by the Washington bully pulpits in the White House and in Congress.