The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50135   Message #760814
Posted By: Bobert
06-Aug-02 - 02:59 PM
Thread Name: Join The Current Anti-War Movement:!!!!
Subject: RE: Join The Current Anti-War Movement:!!!!
Danged, GUEST, I thought we were doing well but I ain't into blowin' up nuthin' in the spirit of peace. I do not agree with you that destrution of property will do anything more than it did in the 60's. It just alienates lots of folks on both sides. The Seattle model is a dream come treue for the Ashcrofts and Rich's of the US. All it's gonna do is backfire. I'm beginning to think that we are not only on two different mindsets but two different generations. I don't think you learned the lessons of the 60's movement.

The thing that makes this different is the the right wing has so much control now that I am fearfull that your tactics just might bring about a situation that makes Kent State look like a Sunday picnic then the game is over and the right wing and military will just do what they have wanted to do for a long time, just pull the plug on this little experiement called democracy. Kepp in mind, that these folks are very, very dangeruos and you may be playing into their hands.

I believe that a coilition of young folks, boomers and in betweeners joined in a mass non-violent demonstration, will do more toward exposing the bad guys and winning over the fence sitters, than what you propose. Hey, I'm not shying away from civil disobedience, just not going to give the enemy any reason to kill folks, which they are hyped up to do. Yeah, something like the Moritorium. It was powerful and inclusive. How many middle aged and elderly folks you plan on coming to your bowling ball rumble, GUEST?

Yeah, you may get fooled again, but I won't.

Peace thru non-violent organizing and resistence!
