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Thread #50135   Message #760920
Posted By: Big Mick
06-Aug-02 - 06:10 PM
Thread Name: Join The Current Anti-War Movement:!!!!
Subject: RE: Join The Current Anti-War Movement:!!!!
Yeah, Bobert, that is the difference between the folks that have their hands in the dirt, and the lace curtain liberal with lofty ideals and a University position. They have their role to play, but they rarely live with the consequence except to say later that they might have erred.

Rule no. 1 in all organizing, regardless of the type, is that it is always a fight for the middle.

Rule no. 2 is that reality is not defined by what is, but what is perceived.

Those of limited imagination and ability throw bowling balls through windows. These folks end up being perceived like they did at the Beer Hall Putsch.   Hearing this from our GUEST does not surprise me, it is the same way she approaches this place. And the result is the same in the minds of the only folks that can really change things in a democratic republic, that is the working folks raising families and voting. These tactics have some limited value for drawing attention, but there are better ways to do it. And have you ever noticed that the anarchistic activists never miss a chance to take over a city and raise hell, but when it comes to real evil, such as the Corporate thieves erasing the fruits of thousands of peoples entire working lives, these folks are sitting on their hands and talking about taking it to the streets. The creative and imaginative organizer will find ways to bring home the message in a better way.

I never thought we would live in a time of greater peril to our young and ourselves than The Cold War. Harpgirl, I apologize for what I am about to say, but you have reason to be fearful for you and your son. This man in the White House views foreign policy in the same way that he viewed running a company. That is as a bottom line entity. That is the philosophy that caused the current crisis in our stock market, and the attitude that anything is OK to reach the goal. There is a reason that laissez-faire capitalism is as much a failed system as pure communism. That is because men and women are not automatons and they make decisions and value judgements, ultimately, based on what is good for them. In the "purity of thought" worlds of the ultra right and far left, anything that helps them achieve their goals is rationalized. That is what this "Homeland Security" shit is about. That is why in 1980 the average CEO made about 47 times what the average employee made, and today it is in excess of 450 times (as of 1998), and probably over 500 times. But it is OK because they sold John Q. the line that anything good for business is good for everyone(trickle down economics.....what a crock!) and used it to put us where we are. And the whole line about how we need to take out Saddam is a feint. As I have said before, it is a red herring. Anytime someone is doing all they can to make me look one place, when other things are going on all around, I know something else is up. At first I thought there was hope because of Colin Powell and Condi Rice. Clearly they have been pushed to the rear. So be fearful, Mother. You have every right to be. And don't preach in church. That is easy. Take it to the streets? Sure, but do it in a way that you don't marginalize the message with the only folks that really have power in this country. Imagine two circles. One circle is your message. The other circle represents the people you need to reach. Now imagine the two circles pushed together until they overlap. The area they overlap is the only chance you have for communication and alliance. It is only when the experiences and concerns of the two overlap that real message can get through. A bowling ball aint it.
