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Thread #50135   Message #760933
Posted By: GUEST
06-Aug-02 - 06:25 PM
Thread Name: Join The Current Anti-War Movement:!!!!
Subject: RE: Join The Current Anti-War Movement:!!!!
Radical pacifism has a long, proud history folks, despite your protestations to the contrary. Here is the Columbia Encyclopedia's entry for two more famous American radical pacifists, the Berrigan brothers:

The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. Berrigan brothers (br´gn) (KEY) , American Catholic priests, writers, and social activists. 1 Daniel Berrigan, 1921–, b. Syracuse, N.Y., was trained in the Society of Jesus and ordained in 1952. Travels in France exposed him to the worker-priest movement, and after teaching at secondary schools and at LeMoyne Coll., he devoted himself in the 1960s to civil rights and antipoverty work, eventually becoming a leading activist against U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. His poetry had meanwhile appeared in several volumes, including Time Without Number (1957). 2 Philip Francis Berrigan, 1923–, b. Two Harbors, Minn., served in Europe in World War II, grad. from Holy Cross Coll., and was ordained (1955). After holding pastoral and teaching positions, he turned in the 1960s to peace activism. In 1968 the Berrigans were arrested for destroying Selective Service files in Catonsville, Md. While in hiding, Daniel published a play, The Trial of the Catonsville 9 (1969). Both Berrigans served prison terms, and Philip secretly married Sister Elizabeth McAlister, a fellow activist. 3 After being paroled in 1972, both brothers continued their involvement in such actions as "Plowshares" protests at weapons plants. They have been repeatedly arrested and imprisoned, and have continued to write prolifically. 4 See Daniel Berrigan's autobiographical To Dwell in Peace (1987), Night Flight to Hanoi (1968), The Dark Night of Resistance (1971), and his prison memoir, Lights On in the House of the Dead (1974); Philip Berrigan's autobiographical Fighting the Lamb's War (1997), Prison Journals of a Revolutionary Priest (1970), and Widen the Prison Gates (1973). See also biog. of Daniel by R. Curtis (1974); S. Halpert and T. Murray, eds., Witness of the Berrigans (1972); M. Polner and J. O'Grady, Disarmed and Dangerous (1997). 5 The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Copyright © 2001 Columbia University Press.