The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50135   Message #761097
Posted By: GUEST
07-Aug-02 - 12:06 AM
Thread Name: Join The Current Anti-War Movement:!!!!
Subject: RE: Join The Current Anti-War Movement:!!!!
Yah sure kat--the subject matter of the thread is bloody inconsequential, isn't it? As usual, you'd rather believe it is all about my choice to be anonymous instead.

I'm not saying you have to take my word as gospel. I'm saying, if you are going to try and refute me, give me some comparable facts from legitimate sources. That is what open and honest debate is about. An clash of ideas, well thought out and presented. I just think too many people contributing to this thread are shooting from the hip about things they have no knowledge of, and saying so. If that disturbs people, and gets them to react and think about this stuff, then I've done my job. I don't expect anyone to like the way it makes them feel. I'm doing my damndest to make you feel uncomfortable. Because as long as you feel safe and warm and fuzzy and secure, you won't do anything.

But if you need a handle for my anonymity--hey, agitation is my middle name. :)