The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50135   Message #761119
Posted By: Big Mick
07-Aug-02 - 12:53 AM
Thread Name: Join The Current Anti-War Movement:!!!!
Subject: RE: Join The Current Anti-War Movement:!!!!
You fancy yourself a pro, but you really are quite amateurish. That feeble attempt to somehow make it seem that you are agitating to cause us to leap out just shows, once more, how deluded you are. The simple fact is that in this thread, like the Memorial Day thread, you presume to tell us all about what we don't know. And when facts are presented to you that don't support your neat little academic "there I have it all figured out" attitude, you just ignore them and march on with your rant and citations. You are exposed, and you don't see it. It's called blinders.

You want facts? Let us review. Your activism is all in your mind. I am sure you attend the odd rally, but you do nothing to effect change. My guess is that you spout the yak, and go home never risking anything. Bobert cited his background and you responded with a bunch of websites and vitriol about HIS attitude. I have challenged you time and again about what it is that you have done to "get your hands dirty" and your responses are more websites, some research on backgrounds, and more vitriol. In another thread you quickly spouted off about those in your family who served and were killed or wounded back as far as WW1. IF that is true, then I honor your family's sacrifice. Your response was that you wouldn't honor anyones loss because it glorified war. And once again folks tried to point out that it is the attitude, that there are things we have in common. Your response..........vitriol. You desire the abuse so you can sit smug and tell everyone "There". Trouble is, you are the only one listening.

You are a fraud in my book, and I won't respond anymore.

Now............I want to hear more from Nicole and Doug.....says Mick, the old lefty, licking his chops. These are people I enjoy debating with...........LOL