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Thread #50135   Message #761124
Posted By: GUEST
07-Aug-02 - 01:13 AM
Thread Name: Join The Current Anti-War Movement:!!!!
Subject: RE: Join The Current Anti-War Movement:!!!!
We are crazy, Nicole. Crazy enough to tirade in the faces of people who stand by and do nothing about the coming war.

So, does that make me as crazy as the men driving the war train? You decide. Me, I'll risk alienating people, because even though my ranting (and let's not exaggerate what I'm actually doing here--this is the internet, I'm not actually up in anyone's face screaming) throws them off balance initially, it at least gets people talking and thinking about the issues.

You, for instance, went out on the internet looking for more health statistics on Iraq in the post-sanction years, didn't you? So you could discuss it with artbrooks? And there are some people actually going to the websites I'm giving links to, and they can read at their leisure about some of the issues I've raised.

Bobert, for instance, says he went and read a few of the sites I posted, and even joined some organizations as a result of his reading.

I'd say that is pretty good for "inciting" and "trolling" in three days time.

So, if you want to believe what I'm doing is wholly ineffective, that is your prerogative, of course. But I do see it differently. I see people leaping out to challenge me, sadly, rather than the ideas I'm here to defend. But even despite their attempts to make me the subject of the thread, instead of the war, I've managed to provoke enough of you to go a little further than you would have had you all just had a nice, friendly thread where everyone agreed to agree or agreed to disagree, and keep things safe and polite.