The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50225   Message #761274
Posted By: Naemanson
07-Aug-02 - 10:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Empty Nester's Blues
Subject: RE: BS: Empty Nester's Blues
This thread has been a big help. My older daughter (21 years old) has not been very communicative and I thought it might be me. Maybe it is just that she is absorbed in her own life.

My younger daughter is leaving at the end of the month to go off to college in Virginia.

I looked at how things were likely to go and decided I didn't need to rattle around an empty house so I sold the damn thing. If things work out I will be taking a new job in April and moving to Italy for the rest of my career (5 years). Even if things don't work out the way I hope I expect to spend the rest of my career overseas. I should be cured of the Empty Nest Blues by then.