The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50278   Message #761790
Posted By: Micca
08-Aug-02 - 06:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: I'm not here, leave a message?
Subject: RE: BS: I'm not here, leave a message?
A friend who didnt like answerphones used to leave messages like another answer phone, so it sounded like your answerer was ringing others!! After the tone you would get" This is freds answering machine he isnt available just now please leave a message after the tone!!!! beep!!!"
He also told me if someone is annoying you with pointless faxes here is what you do, Tape 2 or 3 sheets of A4 paper together at the short edge send the fax without an id sheet then as the leading edge emerges from the fax tape it to the trailing edge ,creating an endless loop of blank paper, which will continue to send until the receiving machine runs ourt of paper