The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10734   Message #76201
Posted By: Banjer
06-May-99 - 06:26 PM
Thread Name: Catspaw - The Recovery, Part III
Subject: RE: Catspaw - The Recovery, Part III
Thanks, whoever fixed the opening of this thread!

We are still on the road, the folks from the Neil Young Institute must be looking for me by I can't give you the exact location. Cletus, the Regs and I finally convinced Paw to let somebody else drive! We are now making great progress, ought to be able to go an' rescue Catspaw from the clutches of them doctor fellas real soon. We enjoyed the ride through the Florida mountains. Wait a minute, Florida ain't got no mountains!! Where in the world is....what's thet sign say?...Grand Teton National Park...Cletus, what in the world you done to us boy, gimme thet steerin' wheel...No, I don't want it back here, leave it where it is an' I'll come to it! Land sakes, just cain't find good help nomore! Now I think on it I hope them folks from the institute do find me, cause I ain't got no idea where we is or where we's do I get myself into these things?....No Paw, ye ain't gettin out to pet the cute little bear, 'sides thet he ain't thet little!! Catspaw, hang on, helps a'comin'....