The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50288   Message #762083
Posted By: GUEST,Claymore
08-Aug-02 - 04:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Seven Dwarves
Subject: RE: BS: The Seven Dwarves
Actually EB, the Seven Dwarves were indeed a political statement in the Democratic run-up to the 88 Presidential elections. The seven Democrat potential candidates for President included such luminaries as Gary Hart, Joe Biden, Lyndon LaRouche, et al. The papers called them the Seven Dwarves, and eventually Mike Dukakis sorted himself out of the pack, for the tank ride of his life, against Geo. Bush Sr.

The current outbreak may be part of a subtle commentary on the current crop of Democrats, a warning from the KKK for Dwarves to stay in their place, a poor families version of a bobble-head doll, a recognition sign for the Gay Dwarf Underground, or a drug pusher (ie. "You want some Happy, Sneezy, or Snow White?") Go figure...