The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50299   Message #762215
Posted By: GUEST,eoin o'buadhaigh
08-Aug-02 - 08:22 PM
Thread Name: PET hate music
Subject: PET hate music
I started playing the Uilleann pipes back in '75 (that's 1900's) but through an operation on my hand that didn't work out the way it was expected I had to give them up. I recently took the plunge and 'blew the dust' out of them and started over again by teaching my daughter the basics. (which obviously got me involved once again) BUT I have got a NEW dog since then and -- YES! she hates the pipes! I can understand that it could be my playing,as I am rather rusty, But did she have to chew my bag beyond recognition. Has anyone else had the same problem and any suggestions as to over-come her hate/fear of the pipes. The insurance company laughed at my suggestion of claiming for the pipebag and even praised the dog. (Maybe I'm more rusty than I thought!

slan eoin