The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50225   Message #762452
Posted By: katlaughing
09-Aug-02 - 05:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Empty Nester's Blues
Subject: RE: BS: Empty Nester's Blues
Deda, I don't think I'd want to pull up stakes after 25 years, either! I do regret, somewhat, not having a homebase which stayed constant when my kids were growing up, but they don't regret it in the least. They've all three thanked me several times for the moves we made East and elsewhere. I didn't have a set homebase either except from 4th grade through high school, but Colorado was always just home, even when mom and dad didn't live here.:-) Well, there was grandma's until I was 13, and aunties and uncles for a few more years after that.

Now that we are back in Colorado and only a couple of hours from bet, I hope she and I will be able to spend more time together. She has an empty nest as of now, too, after taking her son to San Diego.

I do have a group of women friends whom I call my "Sisters By Choice." :-)

I guess, too, I have to think about what I really expect of the trad. holidays; they don't really mean much to me, except giving thanks, as Laurel mentioned. Soltices, equinox, etc. are much more important to me, but I haven't made any concerted effort to find someone to celebrate with for the past several years.

Sorry for the ramble, this has just brought up a lot of thoughts.:-)

