The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50225   Message #762850
Posted By: katlaughing
09-Aug-02 - 10:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Empty Nester's Blues
Subject: RE: BS: Empty Nester's Blues
On the other hand, think of our ancestors who lit out for the West and never heard from nor saw their families ever again. My great-grandfather left home at 13, from MI to OK, then CO. Never went home, never saw any of his siblings or parents. So many times, it is awe-inspiring to me to think of how these people did such things. Coming across the pond, too. So..if we can make those jet airplanes work for us...and, get our children more e-connected...:-)

Mortee, I am sorry to hear that about your son. After all you've all been through, that has to be so difficult. My son left at 17, too and he's turned out okay, though there were times we weren't sure he would. Here's a big hug for you and for all of the rest of us in this thread...

