The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10734   Message #76286
Posted By: katlaughing
07-May-99 - 12:20 AM
Thread Name: Catspaw - The Recovery, Part III
Subject: RE: Catspaw - The Recovery, Part III
FANeffingTASTICK!!! Karen and everyone else, thank you so much and Mick, you are right, we must all continue to give thanks to whomever or whatever.

And 'Spaw, welcome back. We have missed you sumpin' awfull! Now, don't go gittin' in a big hurree or nuttin', 'cause we'alls wants ya ta stick aroun' fer a good long while, ya hear!? Rest, relax, and take in the sights whiles yer in the big citee, we'll keep the porch light on and the pot a'boiling, plus we gots us some brand spankin' new lye soap granny made up special fer when yew bring them boys home with ya. Them sterile phoaks don' hold a candle to what granny's lye soap kin do; why'll it'll take them boys' skin off and make 'em look baby brand-new!

Love ya,
