The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50225   Message #762867
Posted By: open mike
09-Aug-02 - 11:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Empty Nester's Blues
Subject: RE: BS: Empty Nester's Blues
thaks for the cyber-hug and thanks for all of you being in my flock now--glad we can all get together here-glad we have a mud cat to help us connect-it helps to know y'all are out there--feels like family to me!! I am not sure why the heading of my message has "neighbors" on it--perhaps a web page i visited when searching for music--but thanks for all being my cyber neighbors!! Keep your eyes on the skies-as the meteor showers are happening right now--and they will get more intense until sunday aug. 11 and monday aug 12..make a wish when you see a shooting star!