The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47285   Message #762982
Posted By: InOBU
10-Aug-02 - 08:40 AM
Thread Name: Killed by the PEL system
Subject: RE: Killed by the PEL system
Hi Folks, rent the video of the old film from the late 40's early 50's Passport to Pimlico. When a small district of London finds itself to be Burgundian, and not English, the second thing they do, after declairing an end to the pub closing laws, is to end the PELs. With a sense of reverence, a fellow sits down at a piano and suddunly the crowd explodes in joyfull singing... then of course, in come the wowzers... those afraid of folks free to entertain themselves. Music is speach - protect it or the world becomes grey and sad... cheers Larry