The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50307   Message #762997
Posted By: Bassic
10-Aug-02 - 09:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Article to appear on PVFF in EDN
Subject: RE: BS: Article to appear on PVFF in EDN
And what an excellent job you and the others did in pulling it all together Les. I had a great time and it certainly helped this comparative novice "folkie" get his feet under the table and feel part of the local scene. Its been said in other threads and places but my personal thanks to all involved for a great time. However, please remind me never to get suckered into jamming with the Deanmaister and you at half past some un-godly hour in the morning after numerous pints of Festival Brew, infront of a room full of musicians and falling for the cry "BASS SOLO"!!!!!!!!!!!