The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50284   Message #763036
Posted By: John Minear
10-Aug-02 - 12:31 PM
Thread Name: Come to taw?
Subject: RE: Come to taw?
I'm still wondering if anyone has heard this phrase "Come to taw". Masato found a good definition for it and some excellent historical examples. I wonder if it is still in current usage at all.

I also looked for "wake up snakes" and found this site on cowboy lingo, with this example:

Calls to Gently Awaken Slumbering Cowhands

·Wake up, Jacob! Day's a-breaking! Peas in the pot, And the hoecakes a-baking!

·Wake up, snakes! Day's a-breaking! Wake up snakes and bite a biscuit!
·Roll out, roll out while she's hot!

·Bacon in the pan, Coffee in the pot; Get up and get it-- Get while it's hot.

·If you can't get up, there are men in Dodge that can.

The example of "come to taw" quoted in my opening note came from the panhandle of Florida around 1907. This phrase, "come to taw", was collected by "a noted etymolojist and neologist of San Francisco", Peter Tamony (1902-1985). That's pretty much the extent of the Google search. Does anyone know of a good online source for colloquialisms?