The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23291   Message #763212
Posted By: masato sakurai
10-Aug-02 - 09:42 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: All in a Garden Green (R Dyer-Bennett)
Subject: Lyr Add: ALL IN A GARDEN GREEN (Natalia Macfarren)
How to sing the last line is differently shown in (1) Chappell, Popular Music of the Olden Time; (2) Chappell, Old English Popular Music, rev. by H. Ellis Wooldrige ([1893]; reprinted Jack Brussel, 1961, pp. 79-80); (3) Tom Kines, Songs from Shakespeare' Plays (Oak, 1964, p. 74). Of course, it is impossible to sing like (1). The score given in Claude M. Simpson, The British Broadside Ballad and Its Music (p. 10; from Ballet's MS Lute Book, p. 56) has two minims (half notes) for the last bar.

(1) [In that time of the year,] [of the year Com-] [eth 'twixt May(2 quavers) and] [July(1 semibreve)]
(2) [In that time of the year,] [of the year com'th] ['twixt May and(2 quavers) Ju-] [ly]
(3) [In that time of the year,] [of the year com-] [eth 'twixt May(2 quavers) and] [Ju-ly]

There's another set of new words in J. Oxenford, Old English Ditties (Selected from W. Chappell's Popular Music of the Olden Time), vol. II (Chappell & Co., [1884?], pp. 84-85; with piano score):

(Verses to the old title by Natalia Macfarren)

All in a garden green
I wander'd forth at ease,
The sun shot down with golden sheen,
Athwart the leafy trees;
There I spied two blooming maids,
I withdrew in deepest shades.
"Ah," said one, "my peace is gone, last night
I saw the only one that ever I shall love."

"He cast no look on me,
Nor notic'd I was there;
I heard him say he'd ne'er bow knee,
But woman's wiles forswear."
Then she turn'd with tearful eyne;
"Well I knew those words were mine;
Wiles I scorn, but may I mourn
if guileless heart by grief be torn
When I can make it glad.
