The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50332   Message #763256
Posted By: Amos
10-Aug-02 - 11:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: End the Posse Comitatus act?!?!?!?!?
Subject: RE: BS: End the Posse Comitatus act?!?!?!?!?
The right to keep and bear arms is allocated by the Second Amendment to the people so that they can form a Militia. There is nothing that says the right goes away when they aren't doing so.

Bear in mind too that the eviction from New England of the imported Hessian and British troops -- government troops -- was accomplished by a local militia, although since it was an outlaw militia in the eyes of Vested Authority, it could be argued that it was just a bunch of terrorists. Whatever it was, it seems it was the model preserved in the Consititution.

Ya gotta be careful about the abuse of legitimacy, or you find things being promulgated with legitimate tags on them that would never be tolerated otherwise -- such as contemplating a major invasion overseas with little evidence of adequate grounds and hauling down billions of U.S. tax dollars to make this horror show become a reality~!! Imagine if Mizz Clinton had asserted he was agonna go over there and drop bombs! Or if Bush had done so before the country got so scarred up by 9-11-01. They woulda laughed tthem out of town, methinks...