The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50321   Message #763278
Posted By: Kaleea
11-Aug-02 - 02:14 AM
Thread Name: MUSIC and COMMUNITY
About 5 1/2 years ago I moved back to the small Mid-western USA city where I went to Music school 20 years ago. I came because of family needs. Just a few (5-6) months after I got here, I saw a couple of folks playing Mountain Dulcimers at the local Rennaissance Fair, and asked them if there were a local orgainzation. Over 5 years later, my friends are all about the people in that orgainzation, and many of the other traditional music affecionados in the area. I hold office in the organization, I have made important contributions, and yes, plan activities, and carry them out. When I say these folks are friends, I mean my real friends, the kind who would see a need & just take care of it cause you have a need. The kind of folks who call & say, "why don't you come over & we'll have dinner & jam awhile." And while you're there, you sit with their kids, & the kids share about their lives with you, and you see them marry & have babies. I play in a couple of bands. Yes, I'd say that the music community has had a direct influence on my life! I can only work where I can leave for a week & a half so I can to the Walnut Valley Music Festival--every year! Oh, & did I mention that my family is a musical family, and we are involved in doing music at the church. And I teach music lessons, and . . .Music IS my Life. It is that which keeps me sane--well, close to it. Without music, I would go out of my mind! Without the wonderful friends in the traditional music community, I would have no mind left at all!