The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50299   Message #763682
Posted By: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull
12-Aug-02 - 01:50 AM
Thread Name: PET hate music
Subject: RE: PET hate music
oAklet-if you want any of your cattle killing just let me know, i have got plenty of experience. This is one of the things I usually turn me hand to during the summer months as Gary will confirm.During the summer ie, July, august & september, the curry ship is quiet, as mosy of my customers are students, so I usualy do other stuff during the summer, 9short contract work, such as killing, butchering etc) though this year I havn't bothered as I couldn't be arsed.Last year during the foot & mouth outbreak I read an article in one of the papers, I belive it was The Times, but I'm not sure stating that slaughtermen were earning in excess of £1000 a week.I promptly contacted DEFRA, and genourosly offered my services, they replied stating that the newspapers were talking bollocks and they had all the staff the needed at the present time.So don't believe everything you read in the papers, 9The Times is full of crap) 9allegidly).john