The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50332   Message #763750
Posted By: InOBU
12-Aug-02 - 07:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: End the Posse Comitatus act?!?!?!?!?
Subject: RE: BS: End the Posse Comitatus act?!?!?!?!?
Hi Banjoist... Safe at home? I was a combat photographer in Belfast in the late seventies, the most dangerous time for press in the northern counties of Ireland, and many of my fellow COs, such as my Friend Gene, who we burried last month, was a medic on Sipan during WWII. For those, who for their belief that war is an imoral and inefficent way to solve problems, went to jail in the days I mention, all were subjected to torture, some died, an most lived their lives thereafter to make the world a better place, having been responcible for some of the greatest changes in the way (for example) people were treated in mental health centers - a common place where COs where given alternative service.
If your concience led you to fight in that war, that is the choice you made. We all make choices, and to presume yours was the only brave and moral choice may not always be the case. Just as (contrary to the steriotype) COs don't generally see you all as baby murderers, you may be surprised to find COs are not all cowards.
Best wishes, Larry