The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50375   Message #764017
Posted By: Hawker
12-Aug-02 - 05:25 PM
Thread Name: Musical Children
Subject: RE: Musical Children
Right now, my 11 year old is NOT cute, she is a sulky hormonal pre-teenage monster, but hell she has a fantastic singing voice and has been able to sing in tune AND remember all the words to songs that I can't - now that is clever! My 7 year old played twinkle twinkle little star on her violin last summer (when 6) in a local concert, that was fingers down the throat cute! She has just started playing more folkie stuff like Carrion Crow and St Patricks reel, so maybe soon she'll flourish into a musician! She loves listening to other fiddle players at festivals, and I have noticed post festival eagerness to practise, due to the inspiration she gains there!