The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2100   Message #7641
Posted By:
28-Jun-97 - 06:49 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Wildfire (Michael Martin Murphey)
Subject: Lyr Add: WILDFIRE (Michael Martin Murphey)
This is one of my very favorite songs, so here goes (from my memory, so it might not be correct, but it'll be pretty close):

(Michael Martin Murphey)


Well she came from Yellow Mountain;
On a dark, flat land she rides...
On a pony she named Wildfire
With a whirlwind by her side,
On a cold Nebraska night.


Well they say she died one winter,
When there came an early frost;
And the pony she named Wildfire
Busted down his stall...
In a blizzard he was lost.

She ran callin' "Wildfire!"
She ran callin' "Wildfire!"
She ran callin' "Wildfire!"

By the dark of the moon I planted,
But there came an early snow;
S'been a hoot owl howlin' by my window now
For six nights in a row...
She's coming to me, I know...
And on Wildfire we're both gonna go.

We'll be ridin' Wildfire,
We'll be ridin' Wildfire,
We'll be ridin' Wildfire.

S'on Wildfire, we're gonna ride,
We're gonna leave some fire behind;
Get these hard times right on out of our lives...
We'll be ridin' Wildfire!

(Music fade out)