The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50404   Message #764551
Posted By: GUEST
13-Aug-02 - 02:48 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Cafe: New Folk Music Porn Site?
Subject: RE: Mudcat Cafe: New Folk Music Porn Site?
Obviously, it was the thread title I found IMPOSSIBLE to avoid, opened the thread, and had my worst suspicions confirmed.

I don't disagree with Big Mick's interpretation that paddymac was attempting to tongue-in-cheek comment on the recent proliferation of tasteless, sexist threads a la "Womanly jiggles" etc which were mostly started by a person or people posting with guest appellations. I took note of the fact that a number of Mudcat members have posted a few faint objections in the form of jokes or "get back at" threads (ie the Men's Stubble thread) too.

What I'm asking people to consider here isn't that we censor anything. Rather, I saying that if on the one hand, everyone is comfortable with censoring personal attack threads here, why no threads which a whole group of members (ie most women and a lot of the men) takes personally as being offensive, is tolerated.

Please, try to just think about where it leads the forum itself if we start defending and contributing to "shaved pussy" threads, and attacking the people who object to them as humorless prudes.

I undertand it is the dog days of August, people are bored,