The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50404   Message #764604
Posted By: Peg
13-Aug-02 - 03:43 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Cafe: New Folk Music Porn Site?
Subject: RE: Mudcat Cafe: New Folk Music Porn Site?
I am not sure what was said by Amos in his last thread that he would feel uncomfortable about saying to me in person...I can't find anything.

I don't think I am overly sensitive or prudish about this sort of thing, and my position is a unique one, being a feminist, a pagan (we tend be to open-minded about sex) and, as a stripper, a former sex industry worker...that said, THIS FORUM is intended for adults, and those adults tend to engage in non-musical discussion as often as they do in musical discussion.

I do agree that "dirty jokes" do indeed stem, however innocently, from the very source Kendall mentioned...and that the same is true for "good-humored" jokes having to do with race, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation, that is, they come from a place of fear/hatred/disrespect.

I will reiterate, my objection to the afore-mentioned thread was its insuitability for Mudcat, as well as its (whether intentional or not) voyeuristic and somewhat perverse suggestion. I mean, do people really think a discussion of THAT is appropriate here???

And talking about men's beards does NOT constitute an equivalent or balanced discussion to the afore-mentioned one.

...and RichM, I know you are joking and I certainly don't take offense at your referring to what I have freely admitted and discussed here in the past, but your comment is not helping this situation, is it? (I also wish the GUEST would identify him or herself).
