The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50404   Message #764606
Posted By: katlaughing
13-Aug-02 - 03:43 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Cafe: New Folk Music Porn Site?
Subject: RE: Mudcat Cafe: New Folk Music Porn Site?
Sure members know that they don't have to open an offensive thread and read it. I've said this before when the "N" word showed up in a title of a thread: how about First Impressions to a visitor. What does it say to them if they come to the Forum and see so many inane BS threads, some of them offensive in the extreme? They wouldn't know if the thread has taken a turn towards music and probably wouldn't even want to look to find out.

I know it will seem ironic to some for me to be saying such things. People change. Lately the sort of BS we've been having is truly offensive in that it is just plain stupid.

Joeclones do not delete threads unless they are duplicates. Pene, Joe and Max are the only ones authorised to delete threads. In this case, I think any stupid, inane thread which is started anonymously should be deleted. I'd hate to add up the number of postings taken up by responding to such.
