The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50365   Message #764705
Posted By: GUEST,Just Amy
13-Aug-02 - 06:15 PM
Thread Name: Folkie Jokes
Subject: RE: Folkie Jokes
ROTFLMAO - I love these.

How many sound techs does it take to change a lightbulb? (a) 1-2-1-2-1-2 or (b) none. its not sound, its electrical.

Who is a folkie with a college degree? Manager at Pizza Hut.

What do you call at drummer who uses the rhythm method? Daddy

A man goes into a pawnshop in Chinatown and sees a golden rat on a shelf. He asks the price and is told "$25 or $100 with the story". He says "For $75 you can keep the story" and buys the statue. He walks out and soon becomes aware of a faint scurrying sound behind him. As it starts to get louder he looks over his shoulder to see five and then ten and soon every rat in the city following him. The faster he runs the faster they chase and soon, in desperation, he throws the statue off of Fisherman's Wharf. The rats all follow it into the water and drown. THe man returns to the pawnshop and the proprieter say's " I bet you're here to pay me for the story now". The man replies "No, I'd like to buy that golden accordian"!

Dictionary of Musical Terms JAZZ: Five men on the same stage all playing different tunes. BLUES: Played exclusively by people who woke up this morning. WORLD MUSIC : A dozen different types of percussion all going at once. OPERA : People singing when they should be talking. RAP : People talking when they should be singing. CLASSICAL : Discover the other 45 minutes they left out of the TV ad. FOLK : Endless songs about shipwrecks in the 19th century. BIG BAND : 20 men who take it in turns to stand up plus a drummer. HEAVY METAL : Codpiece and chaps HOUSE MUSIC : OK as long as it's not the house next door.

What's the difference between a banjo jam session and a train wreck? There are usually survivors in a train wreck.