The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50375   Message #764792
Posted By: Amos
13-Aug-02 - 08:13 PM
Thread Name: Musical Children
Subject: RE: Musical Children
We encouraged Barky to play, went to a lot of grade-, junior- and high-school concerts, praised her when she was good, coached her when she wasn't. But the passion for the music was the driving force and it was not to be brooked. She leaves Friday for a professional Conservatory, living on her own for the first time, really -- but the point is that sure, she was cute, but sahe also worked at getting good. And she has.

For me, the reason why wonder startts to set in when you hear a small child make music is the same magic you get hit between the eys with when a baby is born; it means something good will be out there in the future, and there's some reason to be hopeful and forward-looking. It may also be "cute" but I think the magic of the future is a much more powerful element. It isn't fair that they extra points in a peer contest for it, but it is certainly understandable -- because that's where all the rewards are, down in the future!