The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50404   Message #765107
Posted By: GUEST
14-Aug-02 - 10:35 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Cafe: New Folk Music Porn Site?
Subject: RE: Mudcat Cafe: New Folk Music Porn Site?
So SharonA, what do you suppose should be done in this case? There are a number of women and men who weighed in on this and agreed with Pretty Damn Disgusted that Mudcat was not the appropriate place for the shaved female genitalia thread. A number of people have said they felt it should be deleted. Yet, it is still there, I suppose with the Mudcat moderators/censors (pick from your point of view) hoping it will sink and they won't have to make a decision as to what is best for the forum on this volatile issue.

I really think that Peg and Nicole are dead on the money. It is my opinion that if several women chime in to say they think the thread goes beyond what should be acceptable in this particular forum, that their concerns should be taken seriously. At this point, with the offending thread having been left in the forum, I don't see that their concerns are being taken seriously.