The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50404   Message #765183
Posted By: GUEST
14-Aug-02 - 12:11 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Cafe: New Folk Music Porn Site?
Subject: RE: Mudcat Cafe: New Folk Music Porn Site?
SharonA, I am pretty much in agreement with everything you've said, especially where you said that the moderators choosing to let the thread sink without taking any action being a decision. Where I disagree with you, is in your interpretation of what that decision, ie to not take any action, or offer any explanation, actually means.

My opinion as to how this situation should be dealt with is to leave the thread to sink, but to make a comment regarding what the consensus is regarding "acceptable" use of the forum regarding BS threads with sexual adult content, when it bears no relationship to the purpose of the forum (ie folk and blues music). I believe it should be done in a new, totally separate thread. And then I think something could be added to the FAQ. Not anything earth shattering, but just a good summation of the best of the discussion currently going on regarding this issue. I think that would help tremendously, and wouldn't make some of us feel as if our feelings about the nature of the thread was being disregarded, for whatever reason(s).