The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10734   Message #76521
Posted By: Mo
07-May-99 - 07:53 PM
Thread Name: Catspaw - The Recovery, Part III
Subject: RE: Catspaw - The Recovery, Part III
Sandy's right Catspaw - you know we're all desperate to hear from you, but I'm pretty sure we'd all rather wait a bit and have you back to full strength, than be the inadvertant cause of any kind of setback by you exerting yourself!! Stick in there darl', if my dad is anything to go by then miracles do happen, and you will get back to your old self - and quicker than you think! No matter how rough you feel just now, it DOES get better - and you won't always feel this fragile. ICU is no joke, but the nursing staff who work in it are truly God's chosen people, they perform miracles every day. Glad thats happened for you and yours as well as me and mine. Take your time, we'll wait for as long as it takes....

