The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50332   Message #765469
Posted By: Big Mick
14-Aug-02 - 06:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: End the Posse Comitatus act?!?!?!?!?
Subject: RE: BS: End the Posse Comitatus act?!?!?!?!?
Claymore, I am not sure where you get that "looking at Europeans as wise elders" stuff. I certainly don't. But what I do look at them as is partners for the most part, and adversaries in some cases. This has to do with national interests on both sides of the equation. What I am speaking to with you is the vernacular that you have chosen to use. I don't believe that there are any third rate countries. Just countries of different circumstance, customs, needs, luck, etc.

Our European neighbors are tired of the U.S. acting in a unilateral manner without consultation, nor with regard to how that will impact them. The President shows his lack of depth in this regard daily. He allows the ultra right wing part of his administration free reign and justifies it with oversimplistic rhetoric. There was a huge article just today in USA Today that dealt with how this administration has squandered a huge amount of good will since September 11, 2001 by taking that tragic event and using it to justify other parts of their agenda. In other words, taking advantage and acting in a unilateral fashion. That shouldn't surprise those of us that live here, they have been doing the same thing domestically.

Your 20/20 hindsight with regard to the tone of your message is, I think, what bothers me. It seems to place us on a pedestal that I do not believe is where we want to be.
