The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50459   Message #765733
Posted By: gnu
15-Aug-02 - 06:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Just Kidding?
Subject: RE: BS: Just Kidding?
Don't tell any jokes. Don't listen to any jokes. As a matter of fact, best that you just keep your head down and your mouth shut at all times. No matter what you say, there will always be at least one person who will be offended. I offer the following email I received just moments ago as an example.... with certain words blanked to protect the guilty....

Yesterday, I told you about the latest on the BLANK program and the rules regarding the advertising of having a BLANK certification. Unfortunately, the example I gave you on how to advertise one's certification (i.e. Ms. Smith) was inappropriate as there are currently two Ms. Smiths who have their BLANK designation including one Canadian (i.e. BLANK Smith from BLANK). I never intended to single out an individual in my example. I only used this surname as a female verson of the common "John Smith" example. It never even crossed my mind that there may be an actual Ms. Smith out there who would intrepret this from a different perspective.

BLANK is a BLANK, BLANK and BLANK member in good standing and I have already aplogized to BLANK for this unintended oversight. I would appreciate it if the BLANK membership would only view my example from yesterday as intended (i.e. describing a fictitious person). Thanks.