The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50404   Message #765873
Posted By: Big Mick
15-Aug-02 - 11:42 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Cafe: New Folk Music Porn Site?
Subject: RE: Mudcat Cafe: New Folk Music Porn Site?
Ladies and Gentlemen, do you see the subtle way the person who started this thread is trying to turn it into a "we-they" game. And she neatly, after sniping at kat and others many times, now tries to act like she is part of the sisterhood against the rest of us. Her post, several back, starts with "We want" as if to imply that somehow she is now really just an advocate for women and speaks for more than herself. She is pretty good. But here is a news flash for you. No one, women or men, is falling for it. You could care less about the subject, your real goal is to try and divide us, turn folks on "Joe, Max, and Pene Azul". You are not even good. By the way, I notice that once again, when someone gives a reply that flies in the face of your gratuitous statements, you just ignore those and act as if your predicate was still correct. You did it with my posts.

Look, folks. Nicole said it all. This comes down to simply using your head, and being a bit respectful. It isn't a male against female thing. Those of you who know me, Bill D, Jeff, Rick Fielding, and many others, know that we don't operate on those levels. I am not sure why I looked at the shaving thread, but I did and didn't like what I saw. I said immediately that I felt as though it should go. I still haven't opened the "jiggles" thread. The title of this thread says it all. Anyone who has been here more than a minute knows that the title is preposterous. And it speaks clearly to the intent of the GUEST who started it. She is malicious and couldn't care less about "the sisterhood". She is a pathetic person feeding on the only attention she gets by creating discord. Don't fall for it. Just leave it die.
