The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50404   Message #765877
Posted By: Amos
15-Aug-02 - 11:46 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Cafe: New Folk Music Porn Site?
Subject: RE: Mudcat Cafe: New Folk Music Porn Site?

Well said. Since you borrowed my adjectives, I feel impelled to clarify what I was complaining about and characterizing with them. It was not anyone's objecting per se, even on arguable grounds; it was not even anyone having an opinion, for goodness' sake!! If the invisible whinger had just laid out clearly what he was saying, in his opinion, as you have done in clear direct (and preferably signed) prose, I would have left it at "cheers -- thanks for your opinion". But he she chose other styles of communication which regardless of gender, issue or message are styles I find offensive. I do not like moralizing, whining, and covert indirectness in communication. ANd I find certain kinds of stupidness offensive ESPECIALLY when the notion is being promulgated that I should subscribe to them myself. I value people who are capable of having an opinion, even one I disagree with. If the elements I find objectionable are not obvious to you, as they are to me, chalk it up to difference of opinion.
But my adjectives had nothing to do with the opinion ppresumably extant somewhere behind the slyness. Nor do I subscribe to the Fuckoffbitch school of thought which you identify as operating on these threads -- a characterization, I might add, which is just as guilty of gender stereotyping as the sexism you are protesting against!

Thanks for your well-written thoughts. I enjoyed them.