The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50404   Message #765899
Posted By: Big Mick
15-Aug-02 - 12:13 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Cafe: New Folk Music Porn Site?
Subject: RE: Mudcat Cafe: New Folk Music Porn Site?
Nice try, but your bigotry still shines through. As I said in another thread, what you are speaks louder than what you say you are. Your attempt to make this an "us/them" thing is failing. First off, you refuse to acknowledge the men that agree with the predicate. If you truly were interested in the subject, you would acknowledge that. But that doesn't work for you because the same men who agree that the thread is off base, the same men who object to the characterizations of women in purely sexual terms, the same men who thini the line was crossed,...........these are the same men who object to you on the basis of your real intent. So you just ignore them.

You are very transparent. To answer your original question, the answer is no. But because we are unmoderated, and because we are mere mortals, sometimes mistakes get made. Better to acknowledge the mistake and learn from it, apologize to the offended parties, and move on. That is what one does when their motives are sound. What you do is what one does when their motives are less than honorable.

Let me apologize to the offended women here. I absolutely agree with you that this thread crossed a line. It offended me, even though I know the man that posted it did so in a tongue in cheek fashion to make a point. But that does not excuse in any way the offense that was taken and I am very sorry that it happened. I hope that my brothers will take a lesson from the posts that have been spawned. These are not "harmless" quips between adults. Women know the heartbreak of having their entire identity predicated on their gender instead of what resides within. Women know the hurt of having self worth determined by an ideal that they had nothing to do with creating. I for one, refuse to participate in this shit, and I would hope that we have learned from these threads. The fact that this one was spawned by a vindictive person with an agenda proves that good can come out of bad.
