The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1772   Message #7659
Posted By: Jerry Friedman,
28-Jun-97 - 07:31 PM
Thread Name: Tune up: Fantasy Folk Circle
Subject: RE: Tune up: Fantasy Folk Circle
Back from Albuquerque, where somehow I could hear you folks' excellent performances as well as I can here in Espanola. Since Peter says I get to get to recite a poem, I would make it, not "The Land" (charming though it is), but "Speak", by James Wright--but I'd rather imagine I had a good singing voice than a good speaking voice. So I'll do "To Celia", words by Ben Jonson (and in the DT), tune traditional. If we don't have a harpsichord, any of the harpists should feel free to help out (key of C major).

And then since that was so short, I'll try an even shorter piece from the Jewish liturgy for the High Holy Days--"Hu elohenu, hu avinu, hu malkenu, hu moshienu, v-hu yashmienu b-rachamav sheynis l-eyney kol chai." The way Cantor Bushman had one of his voice students sing it every year. (The words mean, "He is our God, he is our father, he is our king, he is our savior, and he will save us in his mercy in the eyes of all the living." Anyone know the meaning of "sheynis", the word I left out of the translation?)