The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #296   Message #766
Posted By: Susan of DT
12-Dec-96 - 09:09 PM
Thread Name: Origin: I Loved a Lad
Subject: RE: origin request : 'I loved a lad'
I found it. First I was wondering when I did not find the song under False Bride, Week Before Easter or I once loved a lass in about 40 books. Of course most of my books are ballads. Then I found it in Kennedy, Folksongs of Britain and Ireland.

First reference: c.1685 broadside by John White of Newcastle upon Tyne: The Forlorn Lover (I had forgotten that title)

also 1773 New Partheon Concert #14 The False Nymph 1871 Roxburghe 1881 Christie 1895 Baring Gould and so on with 9 more before 1920.

Is this what you wanted?